GeoTagged, [S6.91859, W107.60972]
March 2, 2012
Today is my Birthday. I overslept & missed school because I lost my cellphone yesterday (its alarm usually wakes me up) & my iTouch alarm sucks & did not wake me up! Yesterday I just got back from visiting with my contact person in Bandung, so my family thought I was tired and didn't wake me either. Around 10 AM my mamah came into my room & woke me up by wishing me happy birthday & kissing me on my cheeks. We've been having some cultural differences lately, so we discussed that for a several minutes & then I took my morning shower. My mamah & I ate breakfast together & I expressed my wish for her not to refer to my USA fam as "broken home"; this led us to discuss our thoughts on divorce. That was interesting. Then she worked in her office at home & I journaled some & then read my Lonely Planet book about Indonesia. Later I drank some tea & had a coconut-soaked rice cake. I noticed my sister had come home from school. Nothing good was on TV so I went back to reading in my room. Later in the early afternoon, my sister & mamah surprised me by coming into my room with a little birthday cake ("because Amy is little" haha) & singing happy birthday. It was a nice surprise. We went to the kitchen/living room & I cut the cake. My sister & I ate our slices in front of the TV & she shared that later my aunt & uncle were coming from Tegal. My mamah came in as we finished our slices & shared that my Papah & Dea would come home late tonight, too. Everyone scattered back to their business. Later Andrew stopped by & told me he would take me on a date at about this time....
Later he came by to take me to a surprise location... KARAOKE!
So I was really excited to go karaokeing at the place because it's really nice and gots swagg. When we stepped in the door there was another surprise! Anket & Nathan had come to Karawang to surprise me & go karaokeing! They brought me a birthday cake and cupcakes, too! We sang karaoke and then they surprised me again and had my mom waiting on Nathan's skype account to talk to me! They rock! :)
=3 thats the best birthday story in a different country story ever!!!!! miss yah babe love you lots! Happy Birthday ~<|=)